The Treacle Market Macclesfield

I've wanted to go to the Treacle Market for a long time, and it was even better than I thought it would be!  If you've ever watched retail consultant Mary Portas give advice to failing retail businesses, you'll know what problems many of our high street traders are facing.  I think they should all visit the Treacle Market, it's a great initiative bringing new life into a lovely town.

As I wandered around Macclesfield everyone was smiling.  Even the stall holders were smiling:
You could see visitors enjoying talking to the producers and trying some of the amazing food on offer.

The only problem I had was getting through the crowds and getting close enough to take a photo of the stalls!
The Treacle Market is held on the last Sunday of the month (apart from December when it's the Sunday before Christmas). St Michaels even does a Treacle Service for churchgoers, and there's a fair outside:
I found old favourites like H S Bourne who make traditional Cheshire cheese:
and Chorlton Cheshire Cheese:
Tiresford Guernsey Gold were their with their award winning yoghurt, golden brie and smoothies.  Katie's Proper Pâté were selling their tasty handmade chicken liver pate, and bread was available from The French Corner and Flour Water Salt - a new, local, artisan bakery in Macclesfield who make tasty sour dough:
The Moocher were selling their game pies and pork pies: 
If you are in a fishy mood there's fresh rainbow trout from Danebridge Fisheries, who also sell smoked trout, smoked at the Cheshire Smokehouse:
Baxters were selling crabs, scallops and Morecambe Bay potted shrimps:
Holford Farm were selling their naturally reared Sussex beef, which is matured on the bone for at least 21 days:
As we're near Staffordshire, Bartlam's were selling Staffordshire oatcakes and pikelets.
Food 4 Macc were present, promoting local food:
and encouraging people to grow fruit and vegetables.  If you were inspired by Food 4 Macc, you didn't need to go very far to get some plants:
If you like chillies, you'll like Adam & Marinha's ​Delicious Sauces:
and if you've got a sweet tooth, Vanillis had some amazing cakes: 
I think our car could be going to Bowden in the near future!

Totally Locally were in the square, encouraging you to support the local traders (many of the town's shops were also open). 
They told me if every adult in the Macclesfield area spent just £5 a week in their local independent shops, instead of on-line or at the big supermarkets, it would be mean an extra £8,600,000 would going into the local economy!

To add to your enjoyment there's entertainers around the town, like these jolly buskers:
Some of the traders were competing to be the Food and Drink Treacle Dandy, and were sporting fine hats, like Cocoa Nokos:
who makes batty battenburgs and gluten free cupcakes!

The winner of the Food and Drink Treacle Dandy was Ian, from Tinakiiana, who makes fabulous petite fours.
My picture above doesn't do justice  to his cakes or headress - sorry Ian it was rather pink under that canvas.

There's some great Street Food at this market.  You could have Chinese food:
or Paella:
or even design your own pizza
with Maxine's mobile pizza, which is then cooked in their wood burning clay oven:
 to be enjoyed just three minutes later:
 If you prefer your pizzas made out of chocolate, BoxChoc could supply you that!
Chocolate lovers are well catered for, as Miscos Chocolates were also present, selling their hand made chocolates and truffles, made with fresh cream, top quality dark milk and white chocolate and flavoured with fresh fruit and/or other natural ingredients 
ManCoCo are an artisan micro coffee bean roaster from Manchester, and were doing a steady trade:
It's not just food that's sold here, which I think makes for a better market.  I quite liked this stall which sold local mugs, like Keep Calm - Live in Macc!
It's a really well run market, with a waiting list of even more traders who want to be part of it.  I've only mentioned a fraction of the stalls, so I think you should go and have a look yourself!    I really enjoyed myself, meeting new people and trying delicious new foods.  When did you last really enjoy doing a supermarket shop?


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