Holt Heath - Top Barn Harvest Shop

There's a sign outside Top Barn Farm Shop which says:

"Here at Top Barn we....
plant it, breed it, tend it, feed it, water it, rear it, prune it, harvest it, hang it, store it, cut it, cure it, mix it, press it, bake it, score it, roll it, stuff it, boil it, taste it, glaze it, baste it, dry it, reduce it, chill it pack it, display it, and offer it to you!   

And that's exactly why I do this blog!  Twelve months on from the Horsegate scandal, and we're still hearing about multi-national companies, with scant regard for where the stuff comes from, selling you god know's what from anywhere!  

When you go to small independent businesses, like Michael Harper's Top Barn Harvest Shop:
you know exactly what you're getting, and how it's been reared and prepared etc.

There's fruit and vegetables (they have pick your own strawberries and raspberries in the summer):
and pretty well all you'll need to make some great meals: 
There's a good butchery, selling beef and pork from local farms, and free-range chicken from Springfield Farm in Bromyard.  

If you're on a budget, there's lots of economical treats, like these pork and tomato pin wheels:
and these faggots:
They make their own pies and quiche, including a beef and Hobson’s Ale pie.
The pork pies are also home-made, and these pork pies topped with red onion chutney:
are very good!

There's also charcuterie from Severn Spots
with hand made salami and chorizo:
There's also a café, childrens' play area:
and Farm Park:
Top Barn Harvest Shop
Top Barn
Holt Heath

Tel: 01905 621954

Web: www.topbarn.co.uk

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